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What Treadmill should I Buy for Running | A Runner’s Guide

Last updated on March 2nd, 2023 at 03:16 am

As fitness enthusiasts know, a treadmill can be an excellent investment for staying active and healthy, especially when outdoor exercise is limited. However, with so many treadmill models and features available on the market, deciding what treadmill I should buy for running can be overwhelming. This guide will help to find out the correct running equipped for running. 

Which treadmill to buy for home use?

Most treadmill user uses a treadmill at the fitness club or gym. The treadmill of the fitness club or gym is a business quality treadmill with many features and high quality. The business quality treadmill is also costly, priced that most users need help to afford. So, for personal or home use, you must select an affordable treadmill with quality features like a pro. Most of the best affordable treadmill has some basic parameters like the user’s weight capacity is 250 lbs, essential motor, a basic level of tread belt, and some additional parameters.

In addition, you must remember that you will buy fitness equipment for your fitness, not junk. So, before selecting your treadmill for an apartment, you must choose from a great manufacturer with a valid warranty policy. Please select a treadmill that is easily foldable and easily transferable from one room to another. Most apartments need more space for treadmill storage, and when you buy a foldable one, you can store it in the corner of a room. Please check our reviews on the treadmill for budget users and the treadmill for home use.

What treadmill to buy for big users?

Most overweight users ask me what treadmill to buy for big users. I suggest buying at least a treadmill with 350 lbs weight capacity. But you can buy a weight-capacity treadmill, but my recommendation is 350 lbs as are minimum. The heavyweight-capacity treadmill has a sturdy design and a long-lasting warranty policy. On the other hand, high-weight capacity treadmills are highly priced. But there are also some high-weight capacity treadmills within your affordable budget.

How much is your budget?

The budget is an essential part of a treadmill to buy. You can hike easily on a treadmill with just spending $300. So it is effortless. But you will not get a better one within this budget. You must spend at least $1000 for a good treadmill. If you spend more than $1500, you will get a stable and excellent treadmill. So, it is your first target to get a quiet, easy-to-use, and very durable treadmill within your budget.

How much space do you have in your home for a treadmill?

There needs to be more space for a treadmill in most of the apartments. So, choose a treadmill that is usually foldable. The foldable treadmill is the best for an apartment because of its portability. You can quickly move it from one room to another per your requirements.

Treadmills Motor Horsepower:

Another critical feature required for a personal treadmill is the Horsepower of your treadmill’s motor. Usually, an advanced treadmill has (3.0 to 4.0) HP. But, it would be best not to buy a high HP-contained motorized treadmill for your personal use. I recommend buying (a 2.5 to 3.0) HP motorized treadmill for home use. So, the minimum HP is at least 2.5 for an excellent and smooth treadmill speed.

Types of Treadmills

Before we dive into the specific features, let’s first distinguish the three main types of treadmills: manual, motorized, and hybrid.

Manual Treadmills

Manual treadmills are powered by your leg motion, which means you must push the belt with your feet to make it move. While this can provide a more challenging workout and save energy, it requires more effort and can be harder on your joints. Manual treadmills are generally cheaper and more compact than motorized treadmills but may need to be more durable and comfortable.

Motorized Treadmills

Motorized treadmills use a motor to move the belt, which means you can adjust the speed and incline electronically. Motorized treadmills come in a wide range of prices, sizes, and features and are generally easier to use and gentler on your joints than manual treadmills. Some motorized treadmills also have preset programs, heart rate monitors, and entertainment options.

Hybrid Treadmills

Hybrid treadmills are a newer type of treadmill that combines the benefits of both manual and motorized treadmills. Hybrid treadmills have a motor to assist you in moving the belt but also allow you to use your power to vary the speed and incline. Hybrid treadmills can provide a more natural and versatile workout experience but may be more expensive and less common than manual or motorized treadmills.

Features to Consider

Once you have decided on the type of treadmill that suits your needs, you can look into the specific features that enhance your workout and comfort.

Size and Weight Capacity

A treadmill’s size and weight capacity can affect its stability and usability. Choose a treadmill that fits your available space and can support your body weight without wobbling or slowing down. The standard belt size for a treadmill is 20 inches wide and 60 inches long, but you may choose a longer or broader belt if you have a longer stride or want more room to move.

Motor Power

The motor power of a treadmill determines how smoothly and consistently it can run, especially at higher speeds and inclines. The motor power is usually measured in Horsepower (HP), with a higher HP indicating more power. For most home users, a motor power of at least 2.5 HP is recommended for a smooth and reliable performance. If you plan to do intense or frequent workouts, choose a treadmill with a higher motor power or a commercial-grade motor.

Incline and Decline

A treadmill’s incline and decline options can mimic outdoor terrain and provide a more challenging and diverse workout. Most treadmills have adjustable incline settings ranging from 0% (flat) to 15% or more, while some have decline settings that can go down to -3%. Incline and decline can target different muscle groups, increase calorie burn, and simulate outdoor routes.

Speed and Programs

A treadmill’s speed range and programs can also vary widely depending on the model and brand. Most treadmills can go up to 10 or 12 mph, which is enough for most users. However, if you are training for sprints or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), choose a treadmill that can go faster. Additionally, some treadmills come with preset workout programs that automatically adjust the speed and incline based on your fitness level and goals. These programs can provide variety and guidance for your workouts but may not be necessary if you prefer to customize your routines.

Cushioning and Noise

A treadmill’s cushioning and noise level can affect your comfort and convenience while using it. Good cushioning can reduce the impact on your joints and make your workout more comfortable, while poor cushioning can cause discomfort and injuries. Noise level can also be a concern, especially if you plan to use the treadmill in a shared space or during quiet hours. Look for treadmills with adequate cushioning and noise reduction features, such as shock absorption and quiet motors.

Console and Connectivity

A treadmill’s console and connectivity options can enhance your entertainment and track during your workouts. Most treadmills have a console that displays your workout data, such as time, distance, speed, calories burned, and heart rate. Some consoles have additional features like touchscreens, USB ports, speakers, and internet connectivity. These features allow you to watch videos, listen to music, surf the web and connect with fitness apps and devices.

People also ask and answer

How do I choose a treadmill for running?

Choosing the right treadmill for running can be a daunting task. You must consider size, features, and cost when buying any gym equipped.

First, take into account the size of the treadmill you’ll need. You want to ensure it fits in your home and the running surface is large enough for your stride. Also, consider how much weight it can handle – if you’re a heavier runner, you may need a sturdier machine than someone who weighs less.

How powerful of a treadmill do I need?

When choosing a treadmill, power is an essential factor to consider. The amount of power you need depends on how hard you plan on pushing yourself during your workouts. You’ll need a treadmill with more power if you want to run on running equipped at high speeds or inclines. Look for models that offer at least 2.5 continuous horsepower (CHP) or higher. This will ensure the motor can keep up with your workout intensity and provide a smooth, consistent experience.

Is it OK to run on a treadmill?

Absolutely! Running on a treadmill is an excellent way to get your cardio in. Not only does it provide a low-impact surface for your joints, but it also allows you to control the speed and incline of your workout. Plus, running on a treadmill can be more engaging than running outside because you can watch TV or listen to music while you exercise.


Choosing the best treadmill for your fitness goals and preferences can be daunting, but by considering the key factors and features we discussed in this guide, you can make a more informed and confident decision. Remember to prioritize your safety, comfort, and usability and choose a treadmill that fits your budget and space. Whether a beginner or an advanced athlete, a good treadmill can help you stay on track with your fitness journey and achieve your goals. Happy Running!

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