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How to take apart an elliptical machine: Step-by-step Guide line in 2023

Last updated on January 27th, 2023 at 04:14 am

The health benefits of elliptical workouts are endless, including weight loss, calorie-burning, improved stamina and flexibility. But, it isn’t easy to disassemble when your shift the apartment from one place to another.

Many people don’t know how to disassemble an elliptical machine from one place to another place. This article will discuss How to take apart an elliptical machine. So, stay with us and read how to do it without any parts damage.

Before you begin to apart your elliptical

Before disconnecting your device, your most important task is to ensure you have the necessary tools. It is not possible to complete your work properly without the necessary tools. There are many who do not know what tools are needed to separate the device. They think that the work can be completed with a hammer and a screwdriver.

Keep in mind that isolating your exercise machine without the necessary tools can be a suicidal decision. So when separating an elliptical machine, you need to have the production tools at hand. However, all the manufacturers supply all the tools required at the time of machine delivery. Do you know why everyone moves the gym machine separately? Because it allows you to go to the place of your choice easily.

What tools will require taking apart an elliptical machine?

Below are the names and uses of some of the tools required to separate gym machines. So check it!

  • Screwdriver: The screwdriver is used to unscrew your device.
  • Bags: Bags are usually used to prevent your small nuts from being lost.
  • Allen keys: The Allen key is used to tighten and loosen the bolts of your equipment.
  • Electrical tape: This keeps your device clean and secure.
  • Bubble wrap: It keeps your device protected from dust.

How to take apart an elliptical machine: From where to start

These are really important factors when you want to disassemble your elliptical machine. Generally, the elliptical has three main parts, so you need to know where your start your disassembly. Here we are discussing the main parts for disassembling.

  • First, body
  • Second, Handlebars
  • Thirds, pedals

How to disassemble an elliptical machine

Are you worried about How to take apart an elliptical machine perfectly? Don’t worry; we will discuss how to do it without damaging any parts in this section. Just follow our instructions and apart from your favorite gym machine correctly.

Discount the power source

First, don’t forget to unplug your power source from the electricity. This is one of the most important works when disassembling your workout machine. It will help to apart your machine simple without any hassle.

If you unplug the device from the power source, you can perform disassembly without worry. Because it will help prevent any injuries, don’t forget to do it when you’re apart from your machine or clean.

Detached your pedal

In the second step, your main task is to separate the pedal nuts, as this is very easy to do, and they are at the end of the machine. After opening each screw, you will need to keep it in a clean container and be sure to mark where it came from.

The more time you spend separating the elliptical machine at this stage, the less time and easier it will be to put it together. You can also use a grate to reduce friction and preserve different parts. If you try to remove a bearing without securing it, it will spread to your floor and increase your workload. Then, when the paddle on one side of your machine is detached, carefully separate the other pedal. Also, mark the paddles on the right and left sides separately to make the process easy when attaching.

Detached your handlebars

Now you carefully separate your handlebars, although it’s as easy as separating the pedals. Although you will see some wires when you open the paddle, there is no reason to be upset if you pay proper attention. You may know that the handlebar is the main and first part of the elliptical machine, so you get to separate the three parts when it is completely separated. It helps to move your device simple.

Packaging your equipment

After disassembling your device, you need to package it carefully to not damage to it. For doing this entries process, you can read our post or watch this video that gives you a clear idea. Here is the entire video for detaching your equipment for transporting.

Tips: Many elliptical workout machines provide magnetic resistance for making your workout more comfortable. So when you disassemble your machine, make sure that your detaching magnetic resistance is not damaged. If you lose resistance, you don’t get enough feedback. So be careful from damaging issues.

How to take apart an elliptical machine FAQS

How long will it take you to disassemble your elliptical machine?

If you want to disassemble your elliptical machine requires two hours.  

Can you disassemble the elliptical?

Yes, I can. Most of the ellipticals are designed to disassemble without any hazard because the entire device comes from essential tools that help disassemble.  


There is no doubt that the elliptical is one of the most efficient workout machines in the world. But, it is pretty challenging to move without disassembling. So, when you want to shift your home from one place to another, you need to disassemble. Many people don’t know How to take apart an elliptical machine. So, don’t waste your time looking at and detaching the device smoothly.